Daisy Hexies Quilt Pattern - Amy Kallissa Designs
The continuation of the Daisy Hexies stitchery pattern, the Daisy Hexies Quilt is a sampler of sorts of English Paper Pieced hexagons and clamshells, utilising the Amy Kallissa + Eppiflex Clamshell Guides.
The pattern contains detailed colour diagrams with step-by-step instructions for piecing, use of clamshell guide and sewing construction.
Want to read more about my design “process”?! You can read all about the making of the Daisy Hexies Quilt HERE on Amy's blog!
Dimensions: Approx. 101cm x 103cm
Requirement for this beautiful project ...
- A collection of fabrics for hexagons, clamshells and orange peels
(3 packs of pre-cut 1" Liberty Hexagons and scraps of Liberty for clamshells and orange peel)
- 30cm Linen (includes enough for Daisy Hexies Panel)
- 50cm Lightweight iron-on-stabaliser
- 80cm of Linen for border and clamshells
- 35cm Liberty Tana Lawn for outer border
- 1.1m of backing fabric
- 30cm fabric for Binding or 4.3m of pre-made binding (Libby A - Pre-made Liberty Bias Binding)
- 1.15m x 1.15m of quilt batting
- Embroidery Threads
- Bottom Line Thread in Statue
- Sewline Glue pen & Refills
- Roxanne's Baste-it Glue
- Whoops-a-Daisy Thread Balm
- Daisy Hexies Pattern (only required for hexagon stitchery detail) and/or Daisy Hexies Panel.
Eppiflex Shapes ...
- Daisy Hexies Quilt Eppiflex Template Pack
- 1" Hexagons*
- 3" Clamshells*
- 2" Orange Peels*
Eppiflex + Amy Kallissa 3" Clamshell Guide & Stencil
* Actual numbers of Eppiflex Shapes are noted within pattern
however as these are re-usable, you may only need a portion of the requirements to make this project.