2 Rue Paradis Pattern - by Veronique's Quilt Designs
This project is ideal for all those Liberty scraps you have been hoarding because they are too precious to throw away.
Inspired by the little Liberty Ladies I needed something bigger which would make a dint in my ever-growing scrap box of Liberty fabrics.
Play with the shapes, make few combinations, and try new embroidery stitches. Or just keep it simple.
Requirements …
- 49 squares of 4.25” (if line/cotton cut it bigger as it tends to fray)
- Lots of little bits of Liberty Fabrics
- A selection of stranded cottons, all those little bits too good to throw away !
- Weaveline stabilizer (optional)
- Mylar template sheet
- 4” or 5” embroidery hoop
- Favourite embroidery and applique needles
- Preferred pen or pencil for making your designs